Starting from 1st February 2021, all passengers flying to China who have received COVID-19 vaccination must upload the following documents to apply for green health codes or certified health declaration codes: vaccination certificates(including such details as name, product name/manufacturer, date of vaccination and issuance institution), negative nucleic acid and IgM anti-body test memo.The health codes or the certified health declaration codes will be issued after the verification and consideration of the submitted documents.
Passengers who have received the COVID-19 vaccination outside China and are flying to China via a third country, must apply for the health code or certified health declaration code in advance from the Chinese Embassy/Consulates in the place of their original departure.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Whether passengers who have received COVID-19 vaccination need to take IgM anti-body test if they are flying to China?
Answer: Passengers who have received COVID-19 vaccination must take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests before departure. No matter what the IgM anti-body test result is (positive or negative), the passenger must upload the vaccination certificate.
How to upload the vaccination certificate?
Answer:There is option of “Have you got a COVID-19 vaccination” in the Online Health Declaration Code Application System to upload the vaccination certificate.
If you received COVID-19 vaccination, please click“yes”and select the following options as listed in the “Please select the manufacturer of the vaccines you have been injected with”,“Please select the time of your final vaccine shot”and“Please upload a photo of your vaccination certificate”in the Online Health Declaration Code Application System. Please fill in the relevant details of vaccination and upload the vaccination certificate.
3.If passengers fail to provide vaccination certificates,could they apply for green health codes or certified health declaration codes?
Answer:Passengers could not apply for green health codes or certified health declaration codes if they have received COVID-19 vaccination without obtaining the vaccination certificates.
4.Whether passengers who have received COVID-19 vaccination can avoid quarantine after entering China?
Answer:At present, all passengers flying to China are required to be quarantined for medical observation and tested at the port of entry. The specific duration of quarantine and the type of testing are subject to the measures implemented by the COVID-19 prevention and control departments at the city of entry.
For Enquiry:
+65-81296456(8:30AM----12:00PM,2:30PM----5:00PM Monday----Friday, except Holidays)